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«Accions» i La Fura dels Baus
Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1986, Núm. 28
Open Access
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<p>La Fura dels Baus has gone across the Iberian Peninsula performing Accions and it has reached Argentine. People has thought that the group was bom with this show but that is not true. We should know its history. La Fura dels Baus appears in 1979 and in 1982 is reorganized. Its first actions have taken place in the streets of Sitges in 1983. Nowadays La Fura is composed of ten members and they define themselves as a theatre-music cooperative. One of the writings signed by the group is entitled “Manifest canalla” and reads as follows: «every action is a practical exercice, an agressive performance against the audience's passivity». Accions is a show which has been constructed in an empiric way: its plasticity is a combination of both painting and sculpture. They have never started from an academic idea to resolve plastic questions. Pyrotechnics are an important element in the show. In Accions there is neither actors nor characters but people perfoming actions. You can only talk about it in full details after having seen the show several times.</p>
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