Escenificar Labiche. Elogi de l’apart
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Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1983, Núm. 23
Tipus de documentArticle
<p>The relations between form and philosophy, between dramatic structure and world's conception are the purpose of this article based on two experiences of staging Labiche. J. M. emphasizes the central part played, in the vaudeville by Labiche, by the aside technique, source of humour and also essential element in order to express the Labiche's deep philosophic pessimism. Finally, he analyses some problems posed, from the point of view of actors and scenography, by a dramatic art which is subjected neither to the verisimilitude's criterion nor to a manicheist conception of the characters.</p>
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- 1983: Núm.: 23 [7]