Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • A manera de manifest 

      Anguera, Joan; Mesalles, Jordi; Ollé, Joan; Planella, Pere
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>Theatrical activity is waning in Catalonia because of the exigencies of commercial profit. There is an urgent need to set up a theatre of investigation and this requires a theatre law, decentralized theatre policies and ...
    • Dues visions del fet cinematogràfic: Juan Gil-Albert i Francisco Ayala 

      Pallach Aloguín, Mariantònia
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>In the year 1955 the writer Juan Gil-Albert published a brief text entitled&nbsp;<em>Contra el cine&nbsp;</em>in which, as a mature man and author, he approaches the subject of cinematography. Francisco Ayala had already ...
    • El risc d'investigar 

      Cerezo, Cesc
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>This is an interview with the self-taught dancer and choreographer Cesc Gelabert. While we accompany him through his choreographies he shows us the loneliness of a long distance runner, the discoveries during the long ...
    • El teatre de Carme Montoriol i Puig 

      Fransitorra, Albina
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>Carme Montoriol Puig was born in Barcelona in 1893 and died there in 1966. A self-taught woman, she studied music and foreign languages. She acquired a thorough knowledge of French, Italian, German and English. From the ...
    • Qüestions preliminars a la semiòtica teatral 

      Burguet i Ardiaca, Francesc
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>This article tries to shed light, by going over a series of texts, on whether it is possible or legitimate to make a semiotic analysis of the theatre and, at the same time, to delimit the relevance —the nature, so to ...
    • Una lloa profana, en català, de finals del segle XVII 

      Vila, Pep
      Estudis escènics: quaderns de l'Institut del Teatre. 1984, Núm. 25
      Open Access
      <p>The playlet&nbsp;<em>(lloa)&nbsp;</em>is a minor genre, a sort of prologue to the main play. Its purpose is to prepare the audience and its aim is didactic. The lloa we publish here reached us in a mutilated state; it ...